
BlueFit Celebrates 15 Years of Inspiring Community Activity

From humble beginnings, BlueFit has grown from a single-site operator to a key player in Australian community recreation management. Through these 15 years, BlueFit has been involved in the management of more than 50 sport and recreation facilities, has recorded over 30 million attendances and employs almost 2,000 people.

BlueFit was created by Moonee Valley local & CEO Todd McHardy in 2007. Todd began his own facility management career at East Keilor Leisure Centre, Queens Park Pool and Riverside Golf Course. It seems fitting that this year, in our 15th year of operation, BlueFit took over the management of Riverside Golf Course.

As a group, the BlueFit team has been Inspiring Community Activity through challenges and triumphs, and they celebrated by moving into our new Site Support office in Essendon.

We look forward to spending more time in more Australian Communities, and building an outstanding BlueFit family along the way.
