
‘Keep Your Cool at the Pool’

‘Keep Your Cool at the Pool’ cover

The Royal Life Saving Australia Campaign Promotes Respect for Lifeguards.

Last year, there were more than 2,000 incidents of abuse, violence, and aggression directed at staff working in aquatic facilities around the country. To support the safety and wellbeing of staff working in aquatic facilities, Royal Life Saving Australia has launched the ‘Keep Your Cool at the Pool’ campaign, which sets clear behavioural expectations for patrons and calls for users of aquatic facilities to treat each other and staff respectfully.

“Violence and aggression towards lifeguards and swim teachers are totally unacceptable, and this campaign encourages a collaborative approach to safety by reinforcing a culture of respect, cooperation, and zero-tolerance for aggression in aquatic facilities,” said Royal Life Saving General Manager – Capability and Industry RJ Houston.

“Lifeguards and swim teachers provide a critical lifesaving role to the community and are there to keep everyone safe. When they give instructions to swimmers, this is to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all. “We want aquatic facilities to be safe spaces not only for swimming but for staff to work. That’s why we’re encouraging everyone to ‘Keep Their Cool at the Pool’ this summer and support our lifeguards and swim teachers against occupational violence and aggression.”

For more information about the ‘Keep Your Cool by the Pool’ campaign, visit the Royal Life Saving campaign website.
