

2023 March WHF - New Gym Equipment Update

Windy Hill, we have finally done it, with brand new health and fitness spaces and new gym equipment, our facility is looking better than ever! As many of our members will have noticed, last week we had a team of dedicated professionals remove all of the previous gym equipment, and replace them all with brand NEW ones.

In addition to this the floor in the circuit/stretch area was ripped up and replaced with newer, more efficient flooring.

The entire renovation took only 4 days…can you believe it?!

It is important to us that members are provided with user-friendly equipment that people of all abilities and ages can utilise. This is why we have chosen Life Fitness’s ergonomic cardio equipment, pin loaded machines and free weights. To help members, each machine features a QR code that you can scan and will direct you to an online instructional video. This video provides basic steps on how you can properly use each machine, along with a clear demonstration.

Additionally, the team will be hosting ‘equipment walk through’ sessions over the upcoming weeks. These sessions will allow for members to gain knowledge and understanding of each machine. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions that you may not normally feel comfortable to ask. These sessions will be made available for members via the BlueFit Health Club app.

If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact either Health Club staff or speak with one of our friendly team members at reception. The gym equipment upgrade is the latest installation of our recent facility revitalisation. As part of this entire plan, members can now enjoy Windy Hill Fitness Centre, with:

  • NEW gym equipment
  • NEW virtual classes (available 24/7)
  • A functional training room
  • The NEW spin room (with virtual spin available)

We hope that the latest equipment upgrades will help to bring life to your next workout!
