
Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

It’s great to see so many members returning to the Windy Hill Fitness Centre. As expected, we are receiving a number of questions about the return of facilities and services previously available. Below are those most common for your info:

We’re slowly moving back to normal and are announcing that from tomorrow, Saturday 28th November the facility will open at 7.00am on the weekends. This will allow our pool users to get a swim in before swim school starts at 8.00am. From Monday 4th January we will open at 5.00am on weekdays.

With government restrictions easing, there is now no need to book for the gym or pool sessions. Members are required to scan in each time they attend and casual users required to use the QR code for entry. Gym and Pool staff are logging headcounts every 15 minutes to monitor capacity. There are no longer timed sessions so stay as long as you need. Please continue to follow our COVID safe rules of towel use and social distancing. The only service you now need to book for is group fitness.

Unfortunately, the app is not accessible on the computer or ipad. We hope that an ipad friendly version will be available in the coming months. Members can always book their sessions in person at reception up to 7 days in advance, so if you’re not tech-savvy, we are here to help.

We have added 7 more classes to next week’s timetable including aqua, cycle, and pump. As boot camps finish up, our new FX30 classes will also be added in the old Coaching Zone area. These classes will be included in your membership without the requirement to upgrade. 

We have requested clarification from the government on the maximum 20 per group, and will temporarily split the main group fitness room next week to allow for 2 x 20 members per session, as we remain under the 1:4sqm rule and overall health club capacity. Please keep to your side of the room when this change takes place. We have successfully and safely rolled this practice out in other states and now have the same approval here.

Current restrictions allow these facilities to open however the space requirement and building works required will see this area open in 2021.

Under the most recent changes to restrictions, lockers are now permitted. We will arrange repairs in the coming month to restart this service.

We have started the application process to establish the creche license under the new management company. We expect to reopen this service by February.

Trainers will be available for program reviews from the 4th of January 2021. Programs will be loaded into your Mywellness account and accessible via the BlueFit App. For those wanting printed copies of their program, this is still possible however we will not keep printed programs on the gym floor. 

Swimming lessons resumed today. Click here to complete your online registration.

No, with the facility no under new management you will need to re-enrol in lessons. It’s a simple online process. Click here to find out more.

If you have enrolled in swimming lessons please click here to go to our parent portal and update your debit details. Details need to be submitted before the 2nd December.

Yes, we will debit you on a fortnightly cycle, however all fees have been matched from your current membership.

We appreciate not everyone is ready to return so have many members still on free suspension. As restrictions ease and services return, we will continue to communicate on this suspension or return process. If you’re ready to start again now, reactivate below

Ready to return or interested in joining? Click on the links below!